
Open Source Developer

A Two time Google Summer of Code student, dynamic and skilled software developer with expertise in C++, Python, Javascipt, Java, React, Tailwind and Bootstrap framework. Passionate about open source software and actively engaged in the open source community. Regularly practices problem-solving skills through platforms like LeetCode. Looking for a full time Software Developer role, feel free to contact me.

Skills and Technology


Movies Recommendation App

Developed a Netflix like clone Enter10ment which is full responsive and shows the trending content over the internet. User can also see the movie information such as relesed date, votes it got from crtitics and its popularity percent. All this is full responsive starting from smartphones till large screens as that of computer


Developed a Youtube like application using ReactJs and Material UI which is responsive in nature. User can stream videos from variety of content creators and genres. Interface is similar to Youtube. Users can search for content of their preference based on genre


  • I have been a 2 time Google Summer of Code student in the year 2019 and 2020, wherein I wrote code for an open source organization called KDE over a 3-month long period. All the code I wrote was reviewed by my mentors and actually shipped into production.

  • I am an open source enthusiast who contributes code to the FOSS organization KDE in my leisure time. I have successully merged over 150+ PRs in KDE organization.

  • I have solved 400+ algorithmic problems over Leetcode platform which shows my data structures and algorithmic understanding. I also regularly take part in weekly contests so that I always keep in touch with data structures.